Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have been sick with the flu for the past 7 forgot how sick you can actually get with that stuff, but how wonderfully my body is made that it can actually try to burn the culprit out by having a high fever!! Amazing...another thing that is amazing is that my physical body has so many spiritual or life applications and analogies! For example, I still have the residue of lung issues....related to the fact that all my life I have been asthmatic......that for 10 to 15 years I have also been a smoker has just compounded the issue, this morning as I awoke with that tightness in my chest and the dire need to cough up phlegm, I thought of how it is the same with my spiritual body....when I don't take care of my self, and even sometimes when I AM taking care of myself, the world creeps in and hands me some disease that I must take care of....the disease of busyness, of doubt, fear, resentment, anger, self-mutilation, time wasting, arguing, and so many other things that take my eyes off of of what is important. And when my focus is lost, when my eyes wander and I am distracted by what this world clamors about, I begin to have signs of soul joy gets lost, my heart gets cold, my thoughts unravel, my mind turns loose, my lungs grasp for the spiritual air they need for living in this world! I get sick, I cant' breathe, I cough up the phlegm that gathers there in my spirit needing to be expelled lest it choke out the necessary thing!!! AIR! ABBA! LIFE! Again....I am fearfully wonderfully ALL realms of my being.....the body heals itself.....the spirit heals itself.....the soul heals itself.....BUT not without the proper maintenance!! Food, clothes, water, climate, medicine, rest, love, care, attention....What is true for the body is equally and unequivocally true for the other parts of us....our soul, mind, will, emotions, thoughts and spirit...they must all be tended with equality or we end up sick and asthmatic.....