Monday, April 6, 2009


I love the spring. I feel this morning as though I was planted almost a year ago - into the dark hard earth by God - like the little roots of the hostas I have planted....I covered them with dirt, I waited and waited and waited for their signs of life - the rains beat them, the freezing north wind blew them, the 6 inches of snow buried them, the hard freeze came and froze them and any hope of their making it - through these stages I saw one tiny leaf begin to push upward, and through it all, begin to rise. I looked at it the other day, and it is rather a small and ill- shaped leaf... a little brown and deformed....and yet, somewhere beneath it's paltry showing, grow roots - going deep, holding on, gathering sustenance - unseen to my eyes but doing so none the less. I am like that ....this past year - I am holding on and growing. I am not yet what God has intended me to be, but I WILL be....I have been....I am becoming.....I will continue....I will not lay dormant and die or give up!!! But I will indeed press upward...grow outward...for the world to see and for my God to be blessed by the life He intended me to lead and live.
Spurgeon says....."Watch for God in the events of your life. Unless you put the water jars out when it rains, you will never collect the water." And so I do. I collect the water of Life in my soul....I drink it down....I grow less deformed, deeper rooted and a joy to those who see and can enjoy what God has made of this once ugly decrepit thing that was the beginning of a beautiful plant. Let the spring with its torrents of storms, produce in me the strong and wonderful product it was chosen to be, with roots that grow ever deeper and stronger in the soil of this life.....with grace and beauty.

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