Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It's not just a triangle in the Caribbean!!! It is a tool of satan in my garden!! I swear that it comes up straight from the depths of can NOT get it out!!! EVER!!! It is in every fiber and grain of my garden this year. I was, of course, in a hurry to get my veggies out and could not, NO, have taken the time to kill the grass and put on weed blocker sheets, and then put top soil on it. No. That would be too easy. But I have never pulled so much and left so much and cared so little in my life. That stuff seriously is IN THE GROUND TO THE MAGMA! I know there is something the Lord is trying to teach me through this little garden...He always does through working in it....Perhaps the fact that the stinking Bermuda is like the sin or the humanness of my life. Perhaps to show me how good and worthy things take time and energy and patience. Perhaps it is just to show me how little I have of that P word. I worked in my garden for at least 4 hours today. There was no music (except for the serenade of the birds)....there were no other humans to talk over my thoughts with .....just me....talkin to myself and my God. It is a lost art to just be a garden....working with out sounds and interruptions. I have just finished watching the John Adams movie and was impressed how a man so greatly thought of was laying bricks with his son towards the end of his he worked with his hands on the land. It got me to thinking today about how the Settlers DID it! How the Indians did it....How my grandparents did it!!! Wondering what their secrets would have been for this cursed Bermuda! Wondering how they did it with out Lowes to go to or tillers to till or miracle grow!!! The best part of hard work like that is getting dirty. So dirty and sweaty and exhausted.....then.....comes the best of the best....the nice soothing warm....clean to the bone shower. Not a better feeling to be had for an outside laborer......

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