Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Strengths vs. Weakness

Yes, we all have them, those lurky pesky little things. Even my strengths sometimes I consider a hindrance. And yet, to fully comprehend that my God MADE me with each particular indentation of His fingerprint....I am discovering that what I once considered a fault, is truly a jewel. What, perhaps, the enemy meant for evil, my God made for good. Both His and mine. As I go through the process of learning this, I see that it is like jewels hidden like Easter eggs, in the corners and shadowed places in my delightful to find all the things HE has placed there behind the rocks and crevasses of my soul....the Son shines on them, little by little and one by one and I see the glint of a sparkle reflected off them...reflected by His light bouncing off the gift and back to my eyes....and I marvel at what HE has made and given to me. For example, these emotions!!! He has given to me. He planned for ME to be entrusted with them..the strength of them, the depth of them, the roller coaster of them, He gave. I am a steward. And this morning I was praying about this and I was reminded how that if I, being human and limited, can have this deeply running river of emotions in ME, then HOW MUCH MORE my Father has in Himself, these deep emotions!!! It is so overwhelming to see how deeply HE LOVES ME!! Hebrews says that Abraham "WENT although he did not know or TROUBLE HIS MIND about WHERE he was to go." To live each day in eager anticipation of Your unfolding of it for me....IN me.....THROUGH me..... Thanks for my gifts Abba...

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