Saturday, April 4, 2009


I have been in religion all of my life. I have been religious, judgmental, ecumenical, theological, hypocritical, and been legalistic as well, most all of my life. And yet, I knew there was something more....something I wasn't getting. I have read Catholics, Buddhist, atheists, fanatic fundamentalists, left and rightists, middle of the roadists, faith healers and faith stealers. I, in the late middle of my expected life, have now come to the conclusion that it is much simpler than this. To live it, to believe it, it takes a very SIMPLE style....Jesus, of course, said it is to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and your neighbor as yourself." Simple. To the point. And yet, so seemingly elusive to most every form or shape of "religion" I have come across. Because it is NOT a is a belief and way of you practice or not, every day in every way, or NOT. Rules written on the tablet of your heart to hold in high esteem not scorched into your burdened mind to carry and to keep upon penalty.
I was privileged to be able to keep my oldest grandson this past week. I was able to share some simple Bible stories with him. Not because I had a Bible thumping him over the head but because the things we were observing in nature itself, gave way to stories that related. I want so much for all my children to know, all the world to know, the God that has brought me out from among the dead while still in the body. The God that has delivered my soul from the depths of hell and suffering. The God that keeps my heart, my tears, my life in His hands. And yet, I want them to know Him because they see it in me, not because it is a preached religion with rules that only parch the heart and leave you dry and thirsty for the true water of life. I want them all to know the freedom we have in Him. Not just freedom to DO whatever comes across your mind, but freedom to BE what it is that came across HIS mind when we were created by Him. It has taken me 50 plus years to get to this point in my life...this point where I can hear Him above the others, where I see Him in all things, where I feel His love and presence, and even hear His voice clearly at times. I am at a point where I am not following rules put down and watered down by men, but am in a relationship put forth and grown carefully by God and His love for me.
All this to say, that I have grown in wisdom the past 10 years of my many different ways, the sluffing off of my religious past is only one of that I so desire to pass on to the next generation....but how? When they all live so far away, and all of us lead such busy lives? And when we see each other, there is so much to say and catch up on that to plumb the deep waters of our souls together is never accomplished. What are the options to share with your children then? As opportunity arises and as He speaks through me....for I, like Moses, do not know how to speak what is in my ever overflowing heart! But I desire to be faithful to open my mouth let Him speak who never wants for words.

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